Tuesday, December 17, 2013


For this assignment we had to make a butterfly and flowers out of the tools we have learned. We had to create a layer for everything we used.


  1. Open up fireworks CS3 and make the canvas size 5 inches by 5 inches, 200 resolution.
  2. Draw a larger purple rectangle that fills up the screen.
  3. Add the border viscous alien paint.
  4. Lock the layer the rectangle was in.
  5. Draw another rectangle, this time blue with the same border.
  6. Lock the layer and add another.
  7. Draw a smaller green rectangle with viscous alien paint background as well.
  8. Lock the layer and make a new one.
  9. Draw a star and adjust the handles to make the flower shape like above.
10. Make two copies of the flower.
11. Color each flower a nice pastel color.
12. Use the line tool to draw green stems.
13. Select the circle tool and draw a small green circle.
14. Use the white arrow tool to move the points to make a leaf.
15. Make 5 more copies of the leafs.
16. Rotate the leaves to the appropriate position.
17. Group the flowers.Give each flower a layer and lock them.
18. Draw a spiral and make it blue.
19. Make three copies and rotate or flip them to the right position.
20. Draw another spiral that is just a line and put one on each normal sprial to make wings.
21. Draw a long oval to make the body of the butterfly.
22. Add a texture.
23. Draw two more spirals to make antennae for the butterfly.
24. Group the pieces of the butterfly and lock the layer.

Spot Color

For this assignment we had to had to pick 3 pictures, one landscape and two inanimate objects. We couldn't use animals or people for the pictures. Then we had to spot color an object from the picture, below are the original and new pictures along with direction of how I did it.

Landscape- Flowers

The top picture is the original and the bottom is the spot color. I used the lasso tool to outline the middle  flower. Then I used to Ctrl-Shift-I to outline the outside of the flower. Finally I selected sepia to change the color of everything except the middle flower.

Book Mark

For this picture, I used to magic wand tool to select most of the picture, making it sepia. Some of the areas weren't completely selected so I used the oval marquee tool to remove all other colors except the pink in the book mark.

Red Feather

For the hat picture I used the magic wand tool to select the red feather and then used the ctrl-shirt-I to select the feathers surroundings. Finally I used the grey-scale to change the color of everything else.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Spot Color-Tree

For this assignment, we had to make every thing on the picture the "Sepia" shade except the leaves.
To do this I used the lasso tool to circle the tree. Then I made the outside of the tree sepia. Then I used the magic wand tool to highlight all colors that weren't green and change them to sepia.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Mixed Angles Font

Our assignment was to type the alphabet and covert the letter to paths and ungroup them. Then we had to move around the points to make our own alphabet a name it. The font I started off with was Bodoni MT Black then I moved all the points to make different angles. I named the font Mixed Angles.

Monday, December 2, 2013

My Cornucopia

Our assignment was to create a cornucopia using "Adobe Fireworks CS3". We had to use all of the things we learned to make fall fruit and vegetables.

  1. Make dimensions 1000x1000 pixels.
  2. Make the  canvas color darkish orange.
  3. Draw a shaped polygon as a star with 7 points, make it a solid dark yellow, and make the texture "swish" at 50% as a transparent.
  4. Click on the star and press "Ctrl-Alt" and drag  the star to make a copy.
  5. Continue to do this. Drag the stars into lines across the canvas.
  6. Select the text box and write "By: 'your name here'"
  7. Label the layer and lock it.
  1. Add a new layer.
  2. Draw a circle and make it a dark orange-yellow. Give it a gradient of radical with orange in the middle to orange-yellow on the edges. Make the border orange crayon.
  3. Take the paint brush and make it whatever size you are comfortable with. Have the color be the orange-yellow
  4. Draw the end of the cornucopia.
  5. Where ever you mess up use the eraser to fix it.
  6. Use the pencil to draw lines around your drawing.
  7. Add a drop shadow.
  8. Lock your layer.
  1. Add a new layer.
  2. Draw an oval and make it orange.
  3. Click on the white arrow near the top of the screen and move the points on the oval to make a carrot shape.
  4. Click Outer bevel, size three color orange.
  5. Draw a 16 point, green, polygon star and stretch it out so one side is long a pointy and the other is short and stubby.
  6. Layer the star underneath the carrot so it looks like leaves.
  7. Group the two together.
  8. Make duplicates of the carrot by clicking on it and  pressing Ctrl-Alt and dragging it.
  9. Make three copies and move the in front of the basket.
  10. Lock the layer.
  1. Add a new layer.
  2. Draw a green circle with a swirl texture (15%).
  3. Draw a green oval with same texture, rotate the oval to place under circle.
  4. Adjust circle and oval to look like a pear.
  5. Group them together.
  6. Add a out bevel, size 3, green.
  7. Take the paint tool and draw a brown stem.
  8. Group the stem and pear together.
  9. Move the pear to the side a little if front of the carrots.
  10. Lock your layer.
  1. Add a new layer.
  2. Draw a yellow oval with checkered texture.
  3. Draw several small green ovals with swirl texture.
  4. Adjust the ovals so they look like the corn stalk leaves.
  5. Group all items together.
  6. Make 2 more copies of the corn in a line and group them together.
  7. Add outer bevel, green, size three to the corn.
  8. Lock your layer.
  1. Add a new layer.
  2. Draw a red circle with the eclipse gradient, turning darker red.
  3. Use the white arrow to make the circle a tomato shape.
  4. Use outer bevel, size 3, red.
  5. Draw a green star.
  6. Make the star small and move it to look like tomato leaves.
  7. Group the shapes together.
  8. Move the tomato in front of the corn.
  9. Lock your layer.
  1. Add a new layer.
  2. Draw three small, yellow, ovals approximately the same size.
  3. Group them together side-by-side to look like a pepper.
  4. Draw a small green rectangle.
  5. Move it on the pepper like a stem.
  6. Group them together.
  7. Add a outer bevel, size 2, green.
  8. Make 2 more copies of the peppers.
  9. Move two of the peppers to in front of the tomato to the left a little.
  10. Move the final pepper in front of the corn to the right.
  11. Lock the layer.
  1. Add a new layer.
  2. Draw a small purple circle.(Add gradient eclipse start dark purple.)
  3. Add an outer bevel, size three, purple.
  4. Make as many copies of  grapes as you want.
  5. Group the grapes together to make a group of grapes.
  6. Draw a green spiral.
  7. Add the spiral to the edge of the grapes and group them together.
  8. Move the grapes in front of the corn and a little if front of the two peppers.
  9. Lock the layer.
  1. Add a new layer.
  2. Draw a plump, orange, large oval.
  3. Add the eclipse gradient to it fading to a light orange in the middle.
  4. Draw lines vertically across the pumpkin.
  5. Select brown paint and draw a stem.
  6. Group the stem and pumpkin together.
  7. Move the pumpkin if front of the corn slightly to the right.
  8. Lock the layer.
  1. Add a new layer.
  2. Draw two red ovals next to each other.
  3. Group them together and make two copies.
  4. Make one of the copies smaller and green.
  5. Make all the apples have outer bevel, size 3, green if green apple, red if red apples.
  6. Select brown lines and add stems to all the apples.
  7. Group the stems to the apples.
  8. Group the apples together with the red apples in back and green apple in front.
  9. Move them in front of the grapes.
  10. Lock the layer.
  1. Add a new layer.
  2. Draw a green, textured rectangle.
  3. Draw two more little rectangles and have them stick out the sides of the main rectangle.
  4. Draw a darker green oval and place it over the rectangle.
  5. Draw small ovals and connect them to the small rectangles.
  6. Group them all together.
  7. Place the broccoli in front of the apples and pumpkin.
  8. Lock the layer.
  1. Add a  new layer.
  2. Draw a small light brown circle.
  3. Use the white arrow to make it look like a nut.
  4. Draw another, darker circle on the light brown circle.
  5. Draw two small lighter brown circles on the darker circle.
  6. Group them all together.
  7. Make two more nuts.
  8. Group all three together in front of the pumpkin and broccoli.
  9. Lock the layer.
Thank you  :)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Color Emotions

For this assignment, we had to create 5 different pictures that show an emotion based on the color. We couldn't use faces or landscapes to create our emotions. All of these were created on Adobe Fireworks CS3 on a 500x300 pixel canvas.

Rage (Red)

  1.   Draw a rectangle and make it red. Trim the canvas.
  2.   Put this under the first layer and name it what you want.
  3.   Add a new layer and add random black dots all over the rectangle.
  4.   Add another layer and draw horizontal lines all across the rectangle. Make the lines red, size 10, and Viscous Alien Paint.
  5.   Make a new layer.Draw a little circle  in the middle of your rectangle with every thing the same as your lines but make the red darker. Make a bigger circle and another bigger circle.
  6.  Make a new layer. Draw ovals half way up the screen horizontal across the screen with the same border as the lines without a fill.
  7.  Save your work
 Sadness (Blue)
  1. Draw a rectangle and make it dark blue. Trim the canvas.
  2. Make the gradient ripples. Change the colors to start with dark blues and get lighter and lighter. Choose as many colors as you want.
  3. Make a new layer and draw a light blue circle. (Gradient)
  4. Make a new layer underneath the circle and draw a square.
  5. Turn the square so it looks like a rain drop. (Same effects as circle.)
  6. Save your work.
  1. Draw a light green rectangle and trim the canvas.
  2. Change the texture to Line-Horiz 1.
  3. Make a new layer. 
  4. Make a 16 point star. Have the color gradient folds. Have the colors be different bright greens and yellows.
  5. Add a light green glow to your star.
  6. Save your work.
  1. Draw a light yellow rectangle. Trim the canvas.
  2. Change the texture to swish.
  3. Open a new layer.
  4. Paint a bunch of orange dots all over the rectangle.
  5. Open a new layer.
  6. Draw a bunch of darker yellow lines up from the bottom center of the rectangle.
  7. Open a new layer.
  8. Make a border out of paint.
  9. Have it be yellow fur setting.
  10. Save your work.

  1.  Draw a dark pink rectangle and trim the canvas.
  2. Make the gradient folds and have the colors start with dark pink and get lighter and lighter. On the very left side of the bar make the color an ugly brown.
  3. Move the handles of the gradient towards the bottom right of the triangle.
  4. Make a new layer.
  5. Draw lines randomly across the rectangle.
  6. Have the lines be size 20, hot pink, and paint splatter.
Save your work.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Professional Name Plate

Our final assignment was creating a fresh, professional name plate.

  1. Open "Adobe Fireworks CS3" and set your canvas size to 300x500 pixels and 200 resolution.
  2. Create a rounded rectangle and select the fill to be a gradient linear.
  3. Trim the canvas and center the rectangle.
  4. Make the colorsa a peachy pink and light purple.
  5. Select the texture to be wood.
  6. Make the trim light purple, size 6 and heavy watercolor.
  7. Select the text box and type your name.
  8. Make the font Lucida Calligraphy, size 63, and color the same pink as before.
  9. Select filters "Sharpen More" and "Glow" the same purple as before.
  10. Save your image.

Mid-level Name Plate

This assignment was to create a nameplate at a mid-level. We were assigned to make it look nice, but not extremely professional.

  1. Open "Adobe Fireworks CS3" and create your canvas to be 300x200 pixels and 200 resolution.
  2. Trim the canvas and center the rectangle to canvas.
  3. Draw a rounded rectangle, add the texture folds and select your colors to be dark brown and red.
  4. Adjust the handles of the folds to move the effect.
  5. Select the texture to be "Line-Hort-1".
  6. Make the border brown, size 4, and thin.
  7. No filters were added to this rectangle.
  8. Select the text box and type your name.
  9. Make the font "Arabic Typesetting" and size 63, color black.
  10. Add filter "Inner glow" color red, and "Glow" color black.
  11. Center your name and save your image.

Basic Name Plate

Our assignment was to create a beginner nameplate, making it ugly and unprofessional. The instructions to this name plate are below.

  1. Open "Adobe Fireworks CS3" and create a canvas 300x200 pixels with a resolution of 200.
  2. Draw a rectangle and to a Ctrl+Alt+T to trim the canvas, center the rectangle to the canvas.
  3. For the "Fill" of  the rectangle, select "Oil Paint 3" under "Pattern".
  4. Change the texture to DNA.
  5. Change the border to size 30 and the color purple.
  6. Make the border the "Rake" option under "Crayon"
  7. Add the filter "Drop Shadow" and make the color a pale yellow.
  8. Select the filter "Blur More".
  9. Select the filter "Blur" and choose the color red.
  10. Click on the text box option and type your name.
  11. Change the font to "AR HERMANN" and size 63.
  12. Change the font color to purple.
  13. Add filters "Solid Shadow" color black, "Drop Shadow" color black, "Glow" color blue, and "Blur More".
  14. Center the text box to canvas.
  15. Save the nameplate.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Texture and Optimize

For this image, we were assigned to make an image with texture and optimize and save it.  To start off, I created my image. I started off by opening Adobe Fireworks CS3 and setting my canvas to 500x300 pixels.  Next, I selected black as my background color. Then, I clicked on "line tool"under the "vector" tab. I then selected a neon color and drew random lines all over the canvas. I repeated this process over and over, using a new, bright color every few lines. Then, I clicked on 4-Up and optimize. I selected "TIFF 8" and chose 16 colors. Next, I selected "Dither: 100%" and save my new image.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Name Plate #2

1. Open Adobe Fireworks CS3 and select a canvas size of 500 pixels by 300 pixels and set the background as transparent.
2. Select the rectangle shape and make the size you wish.
3. Find the option "gradient" under fill for your rectangle. Select "star burst" under gradient.
4. Click on the color option in the fill area.
5. Select purple as the color to the left and yellow as the color to the right.
6. Move the purple box a little to the right.
7. To change the pattern of the background, click on the little black circle in the middle  of the box and move it to the left. Then click on one of the little black boxes and move them until the desired affect is acquired.
8. For the border, select the color purple and size 8. Click on the arrow and select "unnatural" and then "Viscous Alien Paint".
9. Click on the plus sign next to filters and click Glow (yellow) and Blur.
10. Go under the tab Optimize and Align and select align. Click to canvas then center the rectangle.
11.  At the top of the page, go to the tab modify, then canvas, then click trim canvas to make your canvas the correct size for your rectangle.
12. Select the text box option.
13. Click on your rectangle and type your name.
14. Select the font size to be purple.
15. Select glow under filters and  select yellow.
16. Select Inner Glow under filters and select yellow.
17. Go to the tab optimize and align and click align. Then click to canvas and center the name.
18. Save your work.
19. Note: Yellow and purple are complementary colors.

Name Plate

I started off by making a rounded rectangle with a width of 300 pixels and a height of 200 pixels. Then I selected a gradient texture for the rectangle and decided to use folds. Then, I looked up a color wheel showing complementary colors and picked my two favorite complementary colors. I selected the color option on the arrow next to folds and used the color dropper to insert the colors from the website I found.  Then I moved around the line in the center of the rectangle to created my desired back ground. I changed the border to 8 pixels and to the pink complementary color and it's texture to smoky. I chose the filters sharpen, blur, motion blur, and glow. When colors were an option I chose the same as the color wheel I found. Next, I went under the tab optimize and align and selected align. I then centered the rectangle. Finally, you crop off the edges of the rectangle. For your name you would select text box and place it on the rectangle and type your name. Select size 70 for the text size and Snap ITC for the writing style. Use the same color as your border for your text. Choose filters Inner Glow, Glow, and Sharpen More, use the colors from your rectangle when colors are required. Finally, align your name so it's the center of the rectangle.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Color Symbolism

U.S.- Red normally symbolizes extreme feeling, such as love, power, courage, rebellion and violence.
Greece- Red symbolizes good luck.
U.S.-  Purple is often seen as a royal color, it also symbolizes bravery.
Peru- In the country purple is an avoided color that isn't liked.
U.S.- Blue shows intelligence, truthfulness, and cleanliness.
Greece- They paint their doors blue to keep away bad spirits, they also pin blue to babies diapers.
U.S.- Green is associated with nature and ecology.
Israel- Green often means bad news.
U.S.- Often means happiness and warmth.
Japan- Yellow represents courage, its often worn on the anniversary of a funeral.
U.S.- Often portrayed as autumn.
France- The middle traffic light is orange in France.
U.S.- Often viewed as humorless and boring.
India- Brown is a color of mourning.
U.S.- Symbolizes death, power, mourning, and evil.
Irish- The Irish word for the devil translates to black.
U.S.- Means truth and spirituality. Is the color of wedding dress and the color of the house were the president lives.
Morocco- White is worn on Friday and special occasions.
U.S.- Is looked upon as elegance - and depression. Also symbolizes old age.
Iraq- Color of police cars.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Graphic Formats

  • tiff: a format for image files.(Large File) 
  •  gif: a lossless format for compressing image files.(Large File)

  • jpg/jpeg: JPEG is designed for compressing either full-color or grey-scale digital images of "natural" scenes.(Small File) 

  • png: patent-free graphics format that has great compression and supports millions of colors. (Huge File)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Color Definitions

Hue:a color or shade.
Chroma: purity or intensity of color.
Tint: a shade or variety of color.
Tone: harmonize with (something) in terms of color
Shade: colors that are lighter or darker variations of that color.
Complimentary Colors: colors that are opposite on the color wheel that if combined correctly produce white light.
Analogous Colors: groups of colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.
Contrasting Colors: Colors placed opposite one another on the color wheel. Also called complementary colors
Texture: appearance or consistency of a surface or a substance.
Graphic Design Principles:describes fundamental ideas about the practice of good visual design.
Balance: a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions.
Symmetry: when one side of something balances out or mirrors the other