Monday, October 21, 2013

Color Definitions

Hue:a color or shade.
Chroma: purity or intensity of color.
Tint: a shade or variety of color.
Tone: harmonize with (something) in terms of color
Shade: colors that are lighter or darker variations of that color.
Complimentary Colors: colors that are opposite on the color wheel that if combined correctly produce white light.
Analogous Colors: groups of colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.
Contrasting Colors: Colors placed opposite one another on the color wheel. Also called complementary colors
Texture: appearance or consistency of a surface or a substance.
Graphic Design Principles:describes fundamental ideas about the practice of good visual design.
Balance: a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions.
Symmetry: when one side of something balances out or mirrors the other

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