Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Professional Name Plate

Our final assignment was creating a fresh, professional name plate.

  1. Open "Adobe Fireworks CS3" and set your canvas size to 300x500 pixels and 200 resolution.
  2. Create a rounded rectangle and select the fill to be a gradient linear.
  3. Trim the canvas and center the rectangle.
  4. Make the colorsa a peachy pink and light purple.
  5. Select the texture to be wood.
  6. Make the trim light purple, size 6 and heavy watercolor.
  7. Select the text box and type your name.
  8. Make the font Lucida Calligraphy, size 63, and color the same pink as before.
  9. Select filters "Sharpen More" and "Glow" the same purple as before.
  10. Save your image.

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