Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Basic Name Plate

Our assignment was to create a beginner nameplate, making it ugly and unprofessional. The instructions to this name plate are below.

  1. Open "Adobe Fireworks CS3" and create a canvas 300x200 pixels with a resolution of 200.
  2. Draw a rectangle and to a Ctrl+Alt+T to trim the canvas, center the rectangle to the canvas.
  3. For the "Fill" of  the rectangle, select "Oil Paint 3" under "Pattern".
  4. Change the texture to DNA.
  5. Change the border to size 30 and the color purple.
  6. Make the border the "Rake" option under "Crayon"
  7. Add the filter "Drop Shadow" and make the color a pale yellow.
  8. Select the filter "Blur More".
  9. Select the filter "Blur" and choose the color red.
  10. Click on the text box option and type your name.
  11. Change the font to "AR HERMANN" and size 63.
  12. Change the font color to purple.
  13. Add filters "Solid Shadow" color black, "Drop Shadow" color black, "Glow" color blue, and "Blur More".
  14. Center the text box to canvas.
  15. Save the nameplate.

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