- Make dimensions 1000x1000 pixels.
- Make the canvas color darkish orange.
- Draw a shaped polygon as a star with 7 points, make it a solid dark yellow, and make the texture "swish" at 50% as a transparent.
- Click on the star and press "Ctrl-Alt" and drag the star to make a copy.
- Continue to do this. Drag the stars into lines across the canvas.
- Select the text box and write "By: 'your name here'"
- Label the layer and lock it.
- Add a new layer.
- Draw a circle and make it a dark orange-yellow. Give it a gradient of radical with orange in the middle to orange-yellow on the edges. Make the border orange crayon.
- Take the paint brush and make it whatever size you are comfortable with. Have the color be the orange-yellow
- Draw the end of the cornucopia.
- Where ever you mess up use the eraser to fix it.
- Use the pencil to draw lines around your drawing.
- Add a drop shadow.
- Lock your layer.
- Add a new layer.
- Draw an oval and make it orange.
- Click on the white arrow near the top of the screen and move the points on the oval to make a carrot shape.
- Click Outer bevel, size three color orange.
- Draw a 16 point, green, polygon star and stretch it out so one side is long a pointy and the other is short and stubby.
- Layer the star underneath the carrot so it looks like leaves.
- Group the two together.
- Make duplicates of the carrot by clicking on it and pressing Ctrl-Alt and dragging it.
- Make three copies and move the in front of the basket.
- Lock the layer.
- Add a new layer.
- Draw a green circle with a swirl texture (15%).
- Draw a green oval with same texture, rotate the oval to place under circle.
- Adjust circle and oval to look like a pear.
- Group them together.
- Add a out bevel, size 3, green.
- Take the paint tool and draw a brown stem.
- Group the stem and pear together.
- Move the pear to the side a little if front of the carrots.
- Lock your layer.
- Add a new layer.
- Draw a yellow oval with checkered texture.
- Draw several small green ovals with swirl texture.
- Adjust the ovals so they look like the corn stalk leaves.
- Group all items together.
- Make 2 more copies of the corn in a line and group them together.
- Add outer bevel, green, size three to the corn.
- Lock your layer.
- Add a new layer.
- Draw a red circle with the eclipse gradient, turning darker red.
- Use the white arrow to make the circle a tomato shape.
- Use outer bevel, size 3, red.
- Draw a green star.
- Make the star small and move it to look like tomato leaves.
- Group the shapes together.
- Move the tomato in front of the corn.
- Lock your layer.
- Add a new layer.
- Draw three small, yellow, ovals approximately the same size.
- Group them together side-by-side to look like a pepper.
- Draw a small green rectangle.
- Move it on the pepper like a stem.
- Group them together.
- Add a outer bevel, size 2, green.
- Make 2 more copies of the peppers.
- Move two of the peppers to in front of the tomato to the left a little.
- Move the final pepper in front of the corn to the right.
- Lock the layer.
- Add a new layer.
- Draw a small purple circle.(Add gradient eclipse start dark purple.)
- Add an outer bevel, size three, purple.
- Make as many copies of grapes as you want.
- Group the grapes together to make a group of grapes.
- Draw a green spiral.
- Add the spiral to the edge of the grapes and group them together.
- Move the grapes in front of the corn and a little if front of the two peppers.
- Lock the layer.
- Add a new layer.
- Draw a plump, orange, large oval.
- Add the eclipse gradient to it fading to a light orange in the middle.
- Draw lines vertically across the pumpkin.
- Select brown paint and draw a stem.
- Group the stem and pumpkin together.
- Move the pumpkin if front of the corn slightly to the right.
- Lock the layer.
- Add a new layer.
- Draw two red ovals next to each other.
- Group them together and make two copies.
- Make one of the copies smaller and green.
- Make all the apples have outer bevel, size 3, green if green apple, red if red apples.
- Select brown lines and add stems to all the apples.
- Group the stems to the apples.
- Group the apples together with the red apples in back and green apple in front.
- Move them in front of the grapes.
- Lock the layer.
- Add a new layer.
- Draw a green, textured rectangle.
- Draw two more little rectangles and have them stick out the sides of the main rectangle.
- Draw a darker green oval and place it over the rectangle.
- Draw small ovals and connect them to the small rectangles.
- Group them all together.
- Place the broccoli in front of the apples and pumpkin.
- Lock the layer.
- Add a new layer.
- Draw a small light brown circle.
- Use the white arrow to make it look like a nut.
- Draw another, darker circle on the light brown circle.
- Draw two small lighter brown circles on the darker circle.
- Group them all together.
- Make two more nuts.
- Group all three together in front of the pumpkin and broccoli.
- Lock the layer.
Thank you :)
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