Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Spot Color

For this assignment we had to had to pick 3 pictures, one landscape and two inanimate objects. We couldn't use animals or people for the pictures. Then we had to spot color an object from the picture, below are the original and new pictures along with direction of how I did it.

Landscape- Flowers

The top picture is the original and the bottom is the spot color. I used the lasso tool to outline the middle  flower. Then I used to Ctrl-Shift-I to outline the outside of the flower. Finally I selected sepia to change the color of everything except the middle flower.

Book Mark

For this picture, I used to magic wand tool to select most of the picture, making it sepia. Some of the areas weren't completely selected so I used the oval marquee tool to remove all other colors except the pink in the book mark.

Red Feather

For the hat picture I used the magic wand tool to select the red feather and then used the ctrl-shirt-I to select the feathers surroundings. Finally I used the grey-scale to change the color of everything else.

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