Monday, March 10, 2014


For this assignment we had to try our best to create a digital portrait of ourselves and then create a magazine using facts about ourselves.

  1. Start with drawing an oval and using the white arrow to adjust the shape of the eye. Use the gradient "Radial" with white on the inside and dark grey on the edge.
  2. Copy the shape of the eye and and make it a little wider.
  3. Make the color solid and your skin color to make the waterline.Place it behind the first circle so you just see the border.
  4. Draw a perfect circle and give it the gradient "Radial" with a yellowish-brown on the out side to a green in the middle to make your eyes hazily-green.Add a light, black glow.
  5. Draw a small black circle and give it a light green glow.
  6. Draw two very small white circles and place them on the black circle to make it look light reflecting.
  7. Make eyelashes by drawing a circle and adding points using the white arrow. Stretch out the circle into tiny points to make the eyelashes pointy.
  8. Give the them a small dark glow.
  9. Draw a circle and make it a light grey/skin tone to make eyelids.
  10. For eyebrows use the white arrow to change the shape of a circle and give it a light brown gradient.
  11. Group everything together and copy it.
  12. Flip horizontally for two eyes.
  1. Draw an oval and use the white arrow to adjust the shape of your head.
  2. Select the color to be the color of your skin and add an inner bevel as smooth.
  1. Draw a pinkish circle and use the white arrow to move the points.
  2. Draw a dark pink line in the middle.
  3. Group them together.
  1. Draw a circle and use the white arrow to move the points.
  2. Select the color to be you skin tone.
  3. Use inner bevel on smooth. 
  1. Use the circle tool and the white arrow tool to make long strands of hair.
  2. Use different colors, variations of lights and darks.
  3. Arrange them on your head to create a pony tail like arrangement.
  4. Draw a circle on the top of your head to create a bun.
  5. Take the line and pencil tool and draw lines around your head to create stray hairs.
  1. Draw a circle and add a spiral in to create depth, copy and rotate and stick on sides of head.
  1. Draw circle and use the white arrow to arrange them properly.
  2. For the next add the same bevel as your face.
  3. For the clothes and textures and other shapes for fun.
  1. Choose a magazine and find the font to make the title.
  2. Add five facts about yourself, ex: favorite movies, books, or bands.
  3. For fun I added the date to be my birthday month and the year I was born.
  4. Change the color of the back ground to one you like.
Thank you:) 

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