Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Logo Redesign

For this assignment we had to create a new logo for a company. The (fake) company I used was Solar Mapping. We also had to have a color scheme, the 5 colors I used are at the bottom of the image.

  1. Draw a rectangle to fill the canvas.
  2. Change the gradient to linear and rotate the design.
  3. Change the colors so that the bottom right hand corner is the darkest blue on the panel. Then incorporate the other blues and add a very light blue half-way across the bar. Then add the red to the top left corner.
  4. Add the texture Mesh at 3%.
  5. Lock the layer.
  6. Draw a circle and make the gradient Radical a light yellow on the inside and then turning to a darker shade then the red on the very edge.
  7. Give it a Swish texture at 20%.
  8. The border is watercolor thick at 3 and red.
  9. Move the circle to the top left corner and slightly off the screen.
  10. Lock the layer.
  11. Write "Solar Mapping" at size 96 on font AR DESTINE. Yellow with blue border of 7 thick watercolor.
  12. Convert the text to path and ungroup it. Then make the S and M bigger.
  13. Lock the layer.
  14. Draw 5 squares and change the colors to your main colors.

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