Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Black Swan Business Card

For this assignment we had to create three business cards using a black swan image. The levels were unprofessional, midlevel, and nonprofessional.


For this business card I drew a rectangle and gave it a purple border and a teal inside with a the swirl texture. Then I took the black swan image and gave it a radical gradient and made the colors rainbows. Next I copied the swan and horizontally flipped the image. Then I type the company name, address, and email, changed the color and placed them where I wanted them.


I drew a rectangle to cover the canvas and made it pink with a texture. Then I put the swan image on the rectangle and put a picture of a storm as a mask on it. Then I added a border to the swan than was dark blue. Then I wrote the contact information.


The rectangle I drew for this card was in the opposite direction. I gave it a gradient that faded from dark blue to white. Then I added the swan and pasted inside an image of snow falling and a small, blue border. Then I added the contact information and made it dark blue.

Thank you.

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